About the artist

Mainly showing small sized original prints, collographs and Lino cuts.

Personal Statement

I studied fine Art at Portsmouth Polytechnic in the latter end of the 1970s after which I worked in local authority in Portsmouth. I returned to making my own art work around 2016. I primarily make original prints in collograph and Lino, I am also interested in reusing and repurposing materials both in printmaking and 2d and 3d objects. I volunteer at the Pallant House Art Gallery as an assistant delivering community workshops and I am also an ambassador for the gallery. I am also interested in photography both digital and film and cyanotype printmaking.

  • Lisa Mundy
  • Studio Information

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    Studio Address

    34 North Road, Bosham, West Sussex PO18 8NL

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    Studio Telephone

  • Studio Access

    Wheelchair Access


    Bank Holiday


  • Directions

    Take the north exit of the main Bosham roundabout onto Station Road and then take the first right onto Williams Road. Then the first right onto North Road. There is usually on street parking.

Lisa Mundy

34 North Road, Bosham, West Sussex PO18 8NL

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