About the artist

Oil paintings, prints, handmade books, cards. Diverse subjects tending towards the abstract.

Personal Statement

My interests are diverse but usually stem from observation of the things around me.
I walk, I absorb, I look, I process.
Old family photographs fascinate, the images often resonating with a shared experience, as well as the personal. Nature in all it’s guises is a constant theme and I switch between only wanting to grasp its beauty and needing to acknowledge the impending problems for our natural world. Printing is an alternative way of working and balances well with painting, one idea often sparking another which can develop using a different media.
I always return to the outdoors, to nature, to what surrounds us and hope my work might encourage others to really look and SEE.

  • Sue England
  • Studio Information

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    Studio Address

    Martingales, Colworth, Chichester, PO20 2DS

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    Studio Telephone

  • Studio Access

    Wheelchair Access


    Bank Holiday


  • Directions

    Take A259 towards Bognor. After Oving roundabout and just before Mercedes garage turn left SP Colworth. After 200 yards turn right, past two cottages on left, turn left. Martingales first on the left.

Sue England

Martingales, Colworth, Chichester, PO20 2DS

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