Rosemary Pocock
About the artist
Varying size watercolour, acrylic and oil paintings. A variety of subjects in a figurative style.
Personal Statement
Although involved in Art Education for many years I remain at an experimental and fluid stage with my own practice. It is an exciting and challenging time for me as I lose my desire for detailed realism across the whole surface of the work. I am enjoying the process immensely as I have moments when the paint takes over and my conscious brain takes a back step. I love to create in a variety of media which will all be represented on the art trail. My predominant focus has recently been Bishops Palace Gardens in Chichester. Throughout the year, and from various viewpoints, the exquisite planting is altered by light. Evening, afternoon, morning create their own atmospheres. I have been inspired visually to create a body of work where layering, growth, exuberance, pollen, smell, growth and eventual death of the plants are recreated in the painting medium.

Studio Information
Studio Access
Wheelchair Access
Bank Holiday
Between Lemongrass and Masala City opposite Quick Fit. End of East Street go left past St. Pancras church studio is on left. Market and New Park car Parks are nearest. Serendipidous bakery a close neighbour.
Rosemary Pocock
7 St. Pancras, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 7SJ