About the artist

Gold-leaf, watercolour, oils, and ink drawing inspired by my garden, wildlife and a range of landscapes. Originals and prints. Bookings taken for workshops. Art Studio overlooking a cottage-style garden.

Personal Statement

This is my fifth year of taking part in the Chichester Open Studios which is always the artistic highlight of the year for me! I originally trained in the late 80's at Warwick University, gaining a teaching qualification alongside a degree in Art and Design. I now enjoy leading art groups and workshops from my studio built in our lovely garden at home.
I also welcome the opportunity to discuss any comission proposals.
My art reflects an enjoyment of exploring watercolour and ink and also in creating detailed work with oil paint. Embellishing with gold-leaf holds a fascination for me, taking loose decorative references from the ancient book of hours and gold alter-piece icons.
I have thoroughly enjoyed introducing my work to many Art Trail guests over the past few years and look forward to opening the studio doors again in May 2025.

  • Jo Flatt
  • Studio Information

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    Studio Address

    62 Salthill Road, Fishbourne, West Sussex PO19 3PZ

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    Studio Telephone

  • Studio Access

    Wheelchair Access


    Bank Holiday


  • Directions

    Salthill Road, off A259. Over level crossing, approximately 1/4 mile. Venue on right, just before crossroads with Clay Lane. Parking in driveway.

Jo Flatt

62 Salthill Road, Fishbourne, West Sussex PO19 3PZ

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