Chichester Open Studios

Artist Registration Form

Three French hens - Soft Pastel
Become part of it

Call for artists

Registration for the 2024 Chichester Open Studios is currently open. If you would like to take part please register your details in the online form.

PLEASE BE SURE TO READ THE INFORMATION AND GUIDANCE NOTES FOR ARTISTS (link below) for a full understanding of the terms and conditions of entry. This is essential so please read carefully

Completing the form


The form must be completed in one session you will not be able to partially complete or save changes. The following preparation may be helpful:

  • Your artist’s statement/biography (200 words maximum).
  • 4 images of your artwork, to upload. (One must be an image of you in your studio).
  • These images must be as JPG files, of size between 1mb and 3mb each.
  • Rename the image files of your artwork with your name followed by a sequence number eg JoeBloggs1  JoeBloggs2  JoeBloggs3

Once you have completed the form, you can pay the registration fee of £120 by online BACS payment.  NB online payment is preferred, if you need to pay by cheque email for details.

Additional notes

  • Please use normal upper and lowercase type, not block capitals.
  • Register in your own name not a trading name.
  • Each artist must register and pay individually.
  • Please note that only artists with a full or part-time studio within the Chichester area are eligible to join.
  • A maximum of 6 artists may share a Venue.
  • In the case of a permanent studio complex, all artists working at the site must register for Open Studios individually.
  • No late entries can be accepted. Registration ends at midnight on 10th December 2023.
  • Maximum of 180 artists for the 2024 Trail, on a first-come-first-served basis. Once this limit is reached, no further entries will be accepted.

Please be sure to proof read your registration because the information you provide here will be uploaded directly to your website page and used for your Guide entry. 

    • 1

      Your details

    • 2

      Your Venue

    • 3

      Your work

    • 4

      Your web page

    • 5


    • 6


    • 7



    Your details

    7 total steps

    Your details

    Let’s start with some basic information about you and your venue.

    * First Name:

    * Last Name:

    Venue Address

    * Venue Address:

    Venue Address (line 2):

    * Postcode:

    * Telephone:(You must have studio contact no.)

    * Email:

    Mobile: (not for publication unless sanctioned)

    Website URL: (if any)

    Home address & postcode: (if different from above)

    Home Telephone:


    About your Venue

    Tell us a little more about your venue.

    * Finding your Venue
    Give directions from the nearest significant landmark and parking information (if applicable).
    No more than 35 words

    Name of other artists you are sharing with: (if any)

    * Would like to be paired to share?

    * Would you say wheelchair access was:


    About your work

    Please provide a little detail on the kind of work you do.

    * Description of the kind of work you will be showing.
    This is for the Trail Guide and your website page and should be objective and very brief – 20 words maximum.
    e.g. “Large watercolour and acrylic painting; portrait and landscape, screenprinting and collage abstracts based on the sea.”

    * What category of work will you be showing? Please tick no more than 3 of the boxes shown.
    Choose up to 3 categories:
    PaintingSculptureTextilesJewelleryCeramicsDigital ArtPhotographyWoodMixed MediaPrintmakingGlassMetalArtists' BooksCalligraphyDrawingDressmakingEncausticFound ObjectsKnittingMosaicPaperPastelsPattern MakingPrintsVideoOther

    Other (please enter one category):

    Snapshot Exhibition

    * Do you wish to exhibit a piece of your artwork in the snapshot exhibition in April 2024? This will be held at the John Rank Gallery at Oxmarket Contemporary in Chichester.

    Chichester Open Studios Mentoring Programme

    * Would you like to be a Chichester Open Studios Mentor? We are looking for an experienced artists who would like to support a new artist with display set up, pricing, event promotion, social media support and advice?

    * Would you like to sign up to be paired with a Chichester Open Studios Mentor who could offer support and advice?


    Your web page

    Please provide your artist’s statement and links to social media.

    Every artist will have their own webpage containing 3 images of your work and one of you working in your studio, venue information, and up to 200 words for a statement or biography.

    Please add any further information you would like to be included such as social media usernames.
    Note: Only enter the username itself (without @ symbols etc.)

    NB. The colour and design of the page are not negotiable.

    Instagram Username:

    Facebook Page:

    Twitter Username:


    * Artist’s Statement/Biography (max. 200 words)


    Images of your artworks

    Please upload images of your work.

    Please submit 4 images of your artworks and studio.

    The first image you enter will be used in the guide, unless we feel a different picture would work better to represent your work. Any later changes to images may incur an administration fee so please ensure you chose images wisely.

    All images supplied will be on the website, and may be used on social media and throughout the guide and other publications.

    The image of you working in your studio can be a close up of your hands, a birds eye view over your shoulder, or a picture of the whole space with you working inside.

    Please submit as JPGs ONLY.
    The size per image should be between 1MB and 3MB.
    Image files should be named with your own name and an image number e.g. joebloggs1.jpg.

    * Upload Studio Image:

    * Upload Image:

    * Title of the artwork:

    * Size of the artwork:

    * Medium/media of the artwork:

    * Upload Image:

    * Title of the artwork:

    * Size of the artwork:

    * Medium/media of the artwork:

    * Upload Image:

    * Title of the artwork:

    * Size of the artwork:

    * Medium/media of the artwork:



    Paying for your entry.

    Please tell us how you will be paying for your application fee.

    BACS payment at point of registration preferred please.

    If using cheque, payments must be received within 5 days in order for your registration to be valid.

    * Payment Method



    Complete your entry by agreeing to our terms and conditions.

    * Is this your first Chichester Art Trail, or is it more than 5 years since you last took part in Chichester Art Trail?

    * Will you be opening on the Bank Holiday Monday?

    Chichester Open Studios from its very beginning as Open Doors in ‘2001’ then becoming Chichester Art Trail, has always been an exciting event where visitors enjoy meeting artists in person in our own creative worlds.

    Visitors are buying into our ideas, concepts, processes and personalities. This in turn encourages many to take some of our work home with them, follow us online, contact us for commissions and visit us at other events. It is such a multi-layered and unique experience.

    Upon registration, you agreed to abide to the following regulations: (These are essential commitments that ensure the smooth running and success of Chichester Open Studios for artists and visitors.)

    I agree to:

    1. Artists failing to fulfil this declaration may find they are disqualified from future events. This committee retains the right to refuse entry.
    2. Artists are allowed to have work displayed as they wish, including “gallery style”. It is important to have work attractively displayed for selling purposes, however enrichment of working practices must be part of the display.
    3. It is not a gallery trail.
    4. I agree that my email address to be held in the Opens Studios database for communications regarding information for participating artists.
    5. I agree to read all emails and communications thoroughly. (NB We need to get a lot of info to all artists.)
    6. As in previous years, registration fees are non-refundable and un-negotiable.
    7. All submitted images being used for: Publicity.
    8. I will open and supervise my Studio on all the dates and for the specific times advertised only. Bank holiday is optional but decided when you register and your decision to be upheld.
    9. If artists are sharing a venue/Studio, they may choose whether to take part in the Art Trail on Bank holiday Monday as long as it has the agreement of all other artists at the venue/Studio. However, it is not permissible to leave your work on display on the Bank Holiday Monday without your attendance as the discussion of your working practice and meeting the artist is central to the ethos of COS.
    10. No more than 6 participating artists at one Studio, the exception is where multiple artists frequently work in one space and all work displayed for the Art Trail is Only by registered participants.
    11. I will provide demonstrative evidence such as live demonstrations, showing a video of me at work, displaying a series of photos of my working process, explaining work in progress plus sketchbooks or visual inspiration. (NB you don’t have to do all of these but at least one is advised and the more exciting your Studio the more engaged your visitors will be.)
    12. Sell only my own original works of art or prints, and no other items unrelated to my artwork are to be sold.
    13. I will actively promote the Chichester Open Studios through social media (if I use it), provided flyers and distribution of Guides.
    14. Provide a piece of work for the Snap-shot Exhibition in April 2024, if I have agreed in registration to take part. I will drop off the work on hanging day and collect at the end of the exhibition, if not sold.
    15. Be available to collect all that is needed for the Studio or arrange another artist to collect on my behalf (signs, Guides, publicity material etc). Date is to be confirmed.
    16. Ensure that directions and signs to my Studio are prominently displayed.
    17. Ensure that all signage is removed from public highways immediately after the last day of the Art Trail.
    18. I will coordinate with other artists in my area, especially with leafleting and signposting.
    19. I will conform with Health & Safety requirements in relation to access, materials and equipment.
    20. I will print out and display the Important Notice for Visitors (available on the Venue Safety page) which alerts visitors that they enter the Studio at their own risk. ALSO PRINTED IN YOUR VENUE PACKS
    21. I will use the provided Evaluation Form to give feedback during Open Studios. This is used to improve the organisation in future years. (All collected data will be for the committee only and never passed to 3rd parties and individual information will not be made publicly available.)
    22. Artists will receive an Evaluation Report at the end of the event, usually in the summer.
    23. If necessary, I will make my Studio/venue adhere to government guidelines that are in force at the time, for the safety of artists and visitors.
    • I certify that I have read and agree to all the terms outlined above that govern my participation in Chichester Open Studios as an exhibitor.

    Many thanks for taking part; we look forward to 2024 Chichester Open Studios with you on-board.

    Chichester Open Studios Committee.

    In this context, when referring to a “studio,” it encompasses various places of work, including but not limited to workspaces, workshops, pottery studios, metalworking spaces, textile studios, painting studios, photography studios and other places of work.

    In this context, the term ‘artist’ encompasses potter, ceramicist, painter, photographer, metalworker, textile maker etc.

    All Chichester Open Studios communications are via email. To ensure that you receive them, it is important that the following email address is included in your contacts/address book: – to include it just click here.


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