Chichester Open Studios Artists
An interview with Sue England

Posted by Nicola Hancock on 30th March, 2020

As a way to continue our Artist Interview series during this tricky time when we are all staying in our own homes, artists have been invited to send me some interesting news to share. Sue England is a painter and printmaker, at Venue 42 of our now Online Chichester 2020 Art Trail. She has been up to a great deal this past year…one hundred percent living the life of an artist!
... I sort of fell into painting after a lifetime in front of a computer screen as a Graphic Designer. It now consumes my daily life, along with drawing, printmaking, bookbinding ...whatever takes my fancy!
Nicola Hancock
I have heard amazing things…
Sue England
Last year, 2019, I was lucky enough to take part in Sky Landscape Artist of the Year, initially as a wild card, then overall wildcard winner and through to the final. What FUN it all was! What were the chances?! The crew, the presenters and judges were a delight and I would encourage anyone to have a go and enter.
Nicola Hancock
Did this change the way you approach your work?
Sue England
It has made me paint in a different way. Four hours in an unknown location concentrates the mind and there is no time to prevaricate and mess about. You respond to your immediate surroundings and just ‘do it’. So this summer, Corona Virus permitting, I hope to get out a lot more and actually do the painting en plein air as apposed to just sketching outside.
Nicola Hancock
What informs your painting practice?
Sue England
I think sketching is important. For me it’s a vital part of my practice. Wherever I go, I have a sketch book with me and collect ideas and images from just being in and walking through the landscape. I then process back in the studio. Playing with scale, shape and colour are key in developing images.
But I do hope to do more painting the finished piece outside, and not messing about with it afterwards! Big challenge for me.
Nicola Hancock
Any other adventures this year?!
Sue England
A recent trip to New Zealand has given me lots of material and ideas and I hope to use this enforced isolation time to develop a new body of work. Hopefully I will get to exhibit sometime in the future!
Nicola Hancock
And closer to home…
Sue England
Last year I also painted on location in Pagham Harbour, Sussex Downs, the Isle of Wight and just down my lane. Everywhere has some potential.
Nicola Hancock
An experimental medium
Sue England
I also love to make prints – it’s such an experimental medium. You can create textures/effects/and layers in a very different way than if you are painting. There’s no end to the processes you can learn, combining different techniques and finding your own way of amalgamating methods. It’s quite extraordinary where it can lead.
I’m currently making prints and collages for an exhibition with ARTEL Contemporary Art Group, on the theme of Alchemy – another cancelled exhibition (for the moment) but still worth continuing with the work.
Nicola Hancock
Book binding; an added extra
Sue England
I like to print my own paper for covering sketch books and notebooks and some of the books I also make myself. I find producing a 3 dimensional ‘thing’ very satisfying and the precision needed in printing and making, is a great counter-balance to a 4inch brush approach to painting!
Nicola Hancock
A hopeful note for us all
Sue England
When the lockdown ends, as it will, I’d love anyone to get in touch with me and maybe come round for a chat and just see what I’ve been up to…not as a way of selling my work, but as a way of continuing to communicate with fellow artists and enthusiasts who will miss the 2020 Chichester Art Trail.
Meanwhile have a look on my Online Venue, my website or Instagram or Facebook
And if you can, get ‘creating’ yourself – a great antidote to these difficult times.