Hello everyone
This is a brief Newsletter to show you the Trail Guide proof and to assure you that we are closely monitoring the Covid situation and its implications regarding the Art Trail.
This is a low resolution proof of the Guide for you to check through. Please carefully look at your own entries in the body of the Guide, the categories and lists to see if there are any errors in your information for visitors.
This year, if you gave permission for your email address to appear on your website page, it has also been included in your listing in the Guide. If you do not wish it to be published, please let us know.
Please send any amendments by return.
Note: do not send a reply to the Newsletter – please use this link
There is no need to contact us if all is correct.
On Feb 19th, the Trail Guide proof will be finalised for printing and prepared for the website. There will be no further opportunity to change your entry.
In following our 4 phase plan for the 2021 Trail we are fast approaching the important date when we will review the possibility and risks of running the Trail.
Phase 2 – Preparation phase through to the end of February 2021. This is now nearing completion.
Phase 3 – Decision day, 1st March 2021. By this date, there will be a fully functioning Online Trail of all artists webpages. The digital Trail Guide will be accessible on the site.
We shall asses whether government guidelines will accommodate an event founded upon people coming together and moving from one venue to another. If on March 1st 2021, government guidelines are such that this type of event is not permissible, or is unmanageable, we will have to cancel the Trail.
We are able to fund this preparation phase of the Trail without calling upon 2021 fees. If we have to cancel at this point, artists will be able to have a full refund for 2021 entry.
The Online Trail will remain up and running, available for our audience to browse and contact artists or arrange future visits.
If government guidelines will permit the running of the Trail, the Guide will go to print and all further preparations will continue towards a covid-safe event.
A REMINDER If you need any information about participating in the Art Trail, have a look at JOIN US on the website
Or send an email to info@chichesteropenstudios.org
We will continue to keep in you informed via the Newsletters. Previous Newsletters are available on the Blog
Best wishes to all…and we will be in touch,
About this post
Open Studios Dates
Chichester Open Studios will be held on 17th, 18th, 24th, 25th and (Bank Holiday Monday) 26th May, 2025