If you don’t know about Love Where You Live, it is just the sort of resource that Chichester artists, the Art Trail and its visitors need! To all artists reading this, do look at the message below from Vicki Meddows-Smith and set yourself up a listing! You’ll have some free, beautifully presented marketing.

The work of individual artists sits very well within such a visually pleasing platform; each profile providing valued exhibition space for the promotion of an artist’s work. The Trail, too, has its own presence to show samples of our work, link up to our artists’ listings and to the Art Trail website as well.

… We invite all participating artists to have a listing on the site where they can showcase their preferred works


As the aim of the Trail is to join the dots between artist and visitors, Love Where You Live is a great place to discover what it is all about, and to research the art that will be on show to those out on the Trail during the first two weekends in May.


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From Vicki…

Love Where You Live is delighted to support the Art Trail again this year. We invite all participating artists to have a listing on the site where they can showcase their preferred works in a series of images and add a description, links to website and social media and a location with map.

Simply sign up here http://lwyl.clubmin.website/signup and follow the links to create a listing.  If you already have a one, you log-in top right, then click on Manage Listings on the right hand side to open and edit it.  If you have any problems just drop us a mail to info@love-where-u-live.com.

We will add one event for the Trail into the calendar and any artist who is listed on LWYL will be linked into this event. (We kindly ask you not to add individual events for the Art Trail as there are so many of you the calendar would get a bit swamped!) Prior to the event and throughout its duration we will run an Art Trail banner on the home page which will feature all the artists listed.

We will also feature the Trail in our newsletter nearer the time.

If you don’t yet receive it, do sign up for your own copy http://www.love-where-u-live.com/e-news-sign-up

We wish you a successful Art Trail and I look forward to meeting many of you in May.

Vicki Meddows-Smith

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  • About this post

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    Written on

    5th April, 2018

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    Nicola Hancock

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