Carol Naylor

About the artist

I make make embroidered textiles onto painters canvas.

Personal Statement

Carol Naylor
Chichester Art Trail 2025
Carol Naylor
B.A (Hons). Postgraduate Diploma in Textiles, Goldsmiths School of Art

Carols work always draws on landscapes or places familiar to her. Her work is inspired by first -hand experience. She works on a Bernina sewing machine, drawing freely with the needle and threads to create these machine embroideries. Each one is original and cannot be replicated. She has drawn all her life, and her sketchbooks act as her diaries where she records her ideas and memories.
Much of the work that you see here is inspired by the South Downs with other pieces remembering visits to other parts of the UK, and on her travels
abroad.She never works from second- hand imagery, first hand imagery always provides her with her starting points. She says if she hasn’t seen it, been driven through it or flown over it she doesn’t feel connected enough to make a piece of work! She lectured for many years where she became Head of the Fine Department at Chichester University before leaving to
free -lance.
She has also been a guest lecturer in the USA, New Zealand and Portugal.

  • Carol Naylor
  • Studio Information

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    Studio Address

    2 Jubilee Road, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 7XB

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  • Studio Access

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    Bank Holiday


  • Directions

    A five minute walk from Chichester Festival Theatre, just off New Park Road.

Carol Naylor

2 Jubilee Road, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 7XB

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