Steve Coles
Personal Statement
I never tried to paint previously, but at 73 years old (and during Covid) I retired. I always knew painting was something that I really wanted to try. So, after my partner and returned from travelling through Europe in our motorhome, I was inspired to start in September 2024.
I started teaching myself watercolour painting, and I've thoroughly enjoyed doing so ever since. Friends try to steer me towards using acrylics or oils but neither medium appeals to me. I love the freshness that is achievable in watercolour.
I teach myself via the internet, following artists like Paul Clark, the Sussex Artist, who is an excellent tutor and really makes learning fun. Andrew Pitt is another artist (from Suffolk) who has inspired me, his phrase “never paint anything twice until you have painted everything once“ particularly resonated with me and has helped me produce better, fresher work.
I don’t pretend that I am anywhere near a competent watercolour artist, but I've been told that I’m progressing reasonably well. I hope you will enjoy viewing the paintings that I've produced in the Arts Trail.
Best wishes
Steve Coles

Studio Information
Studio Access
Wheelchair Access
Bank Holiday
From Chichester Police Station walk down Kingsham Avenue until you get to a left turn (where the Co Op Funeral Diectors is) which leads into Grove Road. Our house is a third of the way on
Steve Coles
74 Grove Road, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 8AP