Vincent Gray
About the artist
Large and small scale sculpture for home, garden and public spaces.
Personal Statement
Vincent Gray Studios has over 35 years’ experience in the design and manufacture of high end sculpture and art installation. Vincent specialises in one-offs, working directly with the client often with nothing more than a thumbnail sketch and realising it in 3 dimensions at his studio in the heart of the South Downs. Over the years Vincent has worked with museum, television, film, foundry, gallery, heritage, council and private individuals.
‘My time in the studio is divided into two main parts, commission work and gallery work. Commission work responds to the demands of public and the private sectors. Gallery work I have the freedom to experiment.
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Studio Information
Studio Access
Wheelchair Access
Bank Holiday
A286 north from Chichester. After Lavant, fork left onto B2141 Chilgrove/Petersfield road. After a mile, the studios are on left, signposted “The Courtyard”.
Vincent Gray
Vincent Gray Studios, Unit 2, The Courtyard, Crows Hall Farm, Chilgrove Road, Lavant, Chichester, West Sussex, West Sussex PO18 9HW