Christine Myall
About the artist
Ceramic vessels, sculptures, wall plaques and oil paintings based on the natural and urban landscapes.
Personal Statement
My ceramics are based on natural and urban forms using layering effects of imprinting, underglaze, oxides, slips and glazes. I also use Mishima and sgraffito techniques. These are forms of line drawing using slips and oxides that give a sense of narrative to my work.
My oil paintings are reflective of my ceramics.
My work tends to be influenced by a Japanese Wabi Sabi aesthetic which looks at the concept of non-perfection, work that can be asymmetrical, closer to nature. I am also influenced by abstract expressionism and street art.

Studio Information
Studio Access
Wheelchair Access
Bank Holiday
St John's Street is off East Street with Strides Estate Agent at the end of the road. Parking is available in the Market Street Car Park nearby.
Christine Myall
8 St John's Street, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 1UR