About the artist

Delicate paintings of landscapes, beaches, seas, and villages (with the occasional cat and dog) in watercolour, salt, ink, acrylic, and mixed media.

Personal Statement

I create delicate paintings with watercolour, ink, acrylic, salt, pencil and mixed media. I love everything that these materials and mediums offer and never know what will happen when I start a new piece. Art is a constant discovery. My subjects will present problems, clues, wrong turns and undiscovered beauty. I use my fingers and blot and change and imagine. I hang them in the house and live with them and sometimes they are finished and sometimes they still need to be discovered/ uncovered. Painting is like a snapshot of a beach, making marks in sand that are covered, changed, and worn away. I paint in my studios in Felpham overlooking the sea and in my home in a remote field in the Loire Valley. I sketch when I travel and when I return. I paint like every new place is my home, every new environment is an undiscovered terrain, and journies with never-ending destinations. Dogs, cats and the occasional princess wander into my artwork from time to time. I am a resident artist in The Montague Gallery in Worthing and Sage and Salt in Petersfield.

  • Laurie Avadis
  • Studio Information

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    Studio Address

    11 The Loop, Bognor Regis, West Sussex PO22 7ND

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    Studio Telephone

  • Studio Access

    Wheelchair Access


    Bank Holiday


  • Directions

    From the corner of Summerly Lane and Limmer Lane, enter the Summerly estate.
    Take the first left to Crossbush Road.
    Continue to the T junction.
    Turn right into Sea Drive which leads to The Loop.
    Park on the drive.

Laurie Avadis

11 The Loop, Bognor Regis, West Sussex PO22 7ND

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