Frank Ferrie
About the artist
Large and small acrylic painting on paper: abstract based on landscapes, surfaces such as rock and natural textures.
Personal Statement
Frank Ferrie is a West Sussex based artist who trained at Glasgow School of Art. Primarily an abstract painter, his work is nevertheless deeply informed by changes in the local and wider environment and related issues. For example, his last major show (Four Corners Gallery London, 2019) was based upon slate quarries in Wales and their effect on the surrounding landscape and people. Those ‘black’ paintings were steeped in personal experiences from North Wales - the slate mines, other abandoned spaces and machinery, the damp, dark nights, lack of light pollution, ancient hills and echoes from the decline of coal and other heavy industry. Current work centres on the gathering pace of coastal and glacial erosion. Others look at the way weather and tidal erosion can render the landscape and its forms anonymous and abstract (as they once were).

Studio Information
Studio Access
Wheelchair Access
Bank Holiday
The house is on Chichester Road, opposite Orchard Way, You can park in Orchard Way.
We are on the 700 bus route. Bus stop: Orchard Way
Frank Ferrie
Timbers, 97 Chichester Road, Bognor Regis, West Sussex PO21 5AE