Gillian Terry
About the artist
Contemporary ceramics both large and small, using crank craft and stoneware clay. Studio overlooking tranquil lakes.
Personal Statement
Following retirement, I have found a creative outlet in the form of pottery, whereby, I produce both wheel thrown and hand built ceramics. Combining my love of painting with pottery allows me to produce items in a contemporary style, drawing inspiration from the beauty of the lakes that surround my studio.

Studio Information
Studio Access
Wheelchair Access
Bank Holiday
At North Mundham School take School Lane for 200yrds. Turn left at Secure Dog Activity Park. Follow road between lakes for 200yrds to Peckhams Farmhouse.
Gillian Terry
Peckhams Farmhouse, Peckhams Copse Lane (off School Lane), North Mundham, Chichester, West Sussex, West Sussex PO20 1LB