Jo Duncan-Smith

About the artist

Acrylic paintings on canvas, birch board and khadi paper, revealing my response to the landscape.

Personal Statement

I am a painter, living by the sea in West Wittering. My practice concentrates primarily on landscape but also incorporates seascapes and florals. My style varies depending on my subject and medium, (and my mood!) so can be detailed and controlled, or gestural and spontaneous with loose brushwork creating a sense of movement. Working mainly in acrylic paint, I try to express the effect of being in the landscape. I like to work on canvas, linen, birch board and like the effect of watery acrylic on handmade khadi paper. I recently graduated from the University of Chichester with a BA (Hons) Degree in Fine Art, and this will be my first year exhibiting in the Chichester Open Studio Art Trail. I will be showing recent paintings which reveal my personal response to the landscape. I have shown work in the following recent exhibitions: University of Chichester Degree Show at Oxmarket Contemporary - July 2023, ING Discerning Eye - November 2023, West Dean Summer Show - June 2024 and The HERE & NOW, Oxmarket Contemporary - December 2024.

  • Jo Duncan-Smith
  • Studio Information

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    Studio Address

    Jury Lane Studios, Sidlesham, West Sussex PO20 7PX

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    Studio Telephone

  • Studio Access

    Wheelchair Access


    Bank Holiday


  • Directions

    From Chichester Bypass/A27 take Stockbridge Roundabout onto Stockbridge Rd/A286 then at next roundabout, take the 1st exit onto B2201. After 2.7 miles turn right onto Jury Lane and then left in front of Sidlesham Tyres.

Jo Duncan-Smith

Jury Lane Studios, Sidlesham, West Sussex PO20 7PX

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