About the artist

Medium; mixed media paintings.

Personal Statement

My work is process based. It’s an excavation. I begin with the surface, which is built up and cut away using a variety of tools and materials over weeks or months. What fascinates me is the lost, hidden or destroyed. It fires my imagination to bring images back to life. There is a sense of a story in my work and I look forward to meeting you.

  • Rose Gough
  • Studio Information

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    Studio Address

    Jury Lane Studios, Sidlesham, West Sussex PO20 7PX

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    Studio Telephone

  • Studio Access

    Wheelchair Access


    Bank Holiday


  • Directions

    From Chichester Bypass/A27 take Stockbridge Roundabout onto Stockbridge Rd/A286 then at next roundabout, take the 1st exit onto B2201. After 2.7 miles turn right onto Jury Lane and then left in front of Sidlesham Tyres.

Rose Gough

Jury Lane Studios, Sidlesham, West Sussex PO20 7PX

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