About the artist

Pieces for the garden from recycled copper and found items

Personal Statement

I am self taught and I make pieces for the garden from recycled copper and found items that are inspired by nature

  • Heather Stevens
  • Studio Information

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    Studio Address

    13 Hall Cotts, Barnham Rd, Eastergate, PO20 3RS

    Phone icon

    Studio Telephone

  • Studio Access

    Wheelchair Access


    Bank Holiday


  • Directions

    From Eastergate War Memorial, at the bottom of Fontwell Ave, turn left into Barnham Rd (straight over from Bognor direction). 1/2mile on left by layby and bus stop.
    Parking in driveway and lay-bys. Additional parking at rear of our local village hall car park

Heather Stevens

13 Hall Cotts, Barnham Rd, Eastergate, PO20 3RS

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