Penny Hamblin
About the artist
Abstract Oil paintings on canvas, pastels, prints based on sea and landscapes.
Personal Statement
Penny Hamblin spent the early part of her life in Hong Kong, returning to live in Brighton through her teens. She remained in Brighton to do her foundation at Brighton Art College, transferring to London to complete her degree and MA at Camberwell College of Art. She now works and lives in Selsey.
Summers spent under the huge skies of Cornwall fuelled her obsession with the elements of sky and sea and a focus on life as seen through the eyes of the viewer – a view that extends beyond the picture plane towards the launching point of a distant horizon.
Her paintings are constructed by building up thin layers of oil paint on canvas so that the finished effect is a journey into what lies beneath. As in nature, each gaze reveals something different.

Studio Information
Studio Access
Wheelchair Access
Bank Holiday
B2145 to ASDA roundabout, second exit Manor Road, left at Beach Road, veer left East Beach Road, left into Drift Road. Immediately right, Newfield Road for parking and entrance.
Penny Hamblin
113 East Beach Road, Selsey, Chichester, West Sussex, West Sussex PO20 0HA