About the artist

Lino prints and paintings, and narrative line drawings. Work is imaginative but not abstract.

Personal Statement

My work is varied, as is my life, and also life itself.
A part of my work as an artist has always been about bringing together aspects of my life, and my emotions. This is reflected in my detailed pen drawings.
As a painter and printmaker, I have also been responding to the delight that I feel, living by the sea. Something I have always wanted to do.
This year I am also very excited to start a series of prints and mixed media pieces based on my response to a selection of trees that I have become familiar with. I hope to be showing these images for the first time on the Art Trail.

  • Sue Hofman
  • Studio Information

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    Studio Address

    Bendfields, Western Road, Selsey, West Sussex PO20 0JP

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    Studio Telephone

  • Studio Access

    Wheelchair Access


    Bank Holiday


  • Directions

    When entering Selsey head to Town Centre at 1st roundabout. Turn left onto East Street after The Crown. Then right onto Grafton Road, next right into Western Road. Last house on the right, limited parking.

Sue Hofman

Bendfields, Western Road, Selsey, West Sussex PO20 0JP

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