About the artist

Large and small paintings in oil, acrylic and pastels. Sculptures, Mounts, Cards. Scenes of summer, Italy, Australia, colonial buildings, landscape/seascapes, people in motion, animals.

Personal Statement

Patsy's art is influenced by her travels, particularly to hot counties such as Australia (where she lived) and Italy. Colonial buildings fascinate me, and capturing images of people. Also animals, landscapes and seascapes. Recently sculpturing of life models.

  • Patsy Parfitt
  • Studio Information

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    Studio Address

    18 Belgrave Crescent, Stockbridge, West Sussex PO19 8SH

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    Studio Telephone

  • Studio Access

    Wheelchair Access


    Bank Holiday


  • Directions

    Go on the A286 Stockbridge Road,(to the Witterings) off the A27. Turn left into Grosvenor Road, and right into Belgrave Gardens. Plenty of free parking on the road.

Patsy Parfitt

18 Belgrave Crescent, Stockbridge, West Sussex PO19 8SH

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