About the artist

Different methods of Printmaking: etching, wood block, linocut and chine collé. Paintings in water colour and acrylic.

Personal Statement

I have a great interest in figurative work: the Die Brücke and Expressionist artists continue to inspire me in printmaking and recently, painting. People, nature and colour play an important part in my artwork. I love the creative and technical aspects of creating art and challenging myself. Each print and painting recreates a story.
I started with textile and fashion design then moved into arts administration. I became a teacher and since retiring, now create artworks and run occasional art workshops for schools at Pallant House Gallery.

  • Carol Lee
  • Studio Information

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    Studio Address

    62 Salthill Road, Fishbourne, West Sussex PO19 3PZ

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    Studio Telephone

  • Studio Access

    Wheelchair Access


    Bank Holiday


  • Directions

    Salthill Road, off A259. Over level crossing, approximately 1/4 mile. Venue on right, just before crossroads with Clay Lane. Parking in driveway.

Carol Lee

62 Salthill Road, Fishbourne, West Sussex PO19 3PZ

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