Carol Lee
About the artist
Different methods of Printmaking: etching, wood block, linocut and chine collé. Paintings in water colour and acrylic.
Personal Statement
I have a great interest in figurative work: the Die Brücke and Expressionist artists continue to inspire me in printmaking and recently, painting. People, nature and colour play an important part in my artwork. I love the creative and technical aspects of creating art and challenging myself. Each print and painting recreates a story.
I started with textile and fashion design then moved into arts administration. I became a teacher and since retiring, now create artworks and run occasional art workshops for schools at Pallant House Gallery.

Studio Information
Studio Access
Wheelchair Access
Bank Holiday
Salthill Road, off A259. Over level crossing, approximately 1/4 mile. Venue on right, just before crossroads with Clay Lane. Parking in driveway.
Carol Lee
62 Salthill Road, Fishbourne, West Sussex PO19 3PZ