Karen Ongley-Snook
About the artist
Stained glass columns and fused glass pieces designed for the garden. Anodised aluminium jewellery, Raku glazed ceramics.
Personal Statement
Colour is a constant inspiration to me, the emotional response that different colour combinations can evoke. The wonderful colours found in nature . That and movement, the power of the sea, wind and how sunlight lifts the spirits . The way that fire is used to bring colour to life when Raku firing ceramics it’s all very elemental and rich .Im constantly learning and evolving as an artist pushing myself and the medium I’m working with. We must never stop learning.

Studio Information
Studio Access
Wheelchair Access
Bank Holiday
Take the north exit of the main Bosham roundabout onto Station Road and then take the first right onto Williams Road. Then the first right onto North Road. There is usually on street parking.
Karen Ongley-Snook
34 North Road, Bosham, West Sussex PO18 8NL