About the artist

Oil Paintings, capturing a sense of life in the moment.

Personal Statement

Fascinated by the ever changing light and colours that surround us in the landscape, the sea and the life I live, I try to capture a sense of life in the moment. I've always respected craftsmanship and love how an object or painting can reflect the time someone invests in capturing and refining their work until it has a life of it's own. Painting keeps me focused and brings a sense of peace and hopefully joy to those that see it and bring their own meaning to what a moment captured in time might mean to them.

  • Niki Cath
  • Studio Information

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    Studio Address

    21 Malthouse Cottages, Rookwood Road, West Wittering, PO20 8QJ

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    Studio Telephone

  • Studio Access

    Wheelchair Access


    Bank Holiday


  • Directions

    Head south on B2179 to West Wittering. Just after the big left hand corner at Rookwood, indicate and turn left into Malthouse Cottages, 21 is behind a privet hedge. Walk to the back of the house.

Niki Cath

21 Malthouse Cottages, Rookwood Road, West Wittering, PO20 8QJ

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