Mary Marmery
About the artist
Unique handbuilt pots inspired by Ancient Greek forms. All are fired outside using fire and smoke to decorate the surfaces.
Personal Statement
Whilst completing a B.Ed (Hons) at Middlesex Teacher Training, I discovered the pottery department, transferred from music and thus began my love affair with clay.
After graduating I taught in the primary sector briefly then worked as advisory teacher training teachers to implement D&T into the primary curriculum. This included setting up pottery in primary schools where requested.
I took early retirement to concentrate on ceramics and did a 4 year part-time
City & Guilds course in ceramics. I became increasingly dissatisfied with conventional and functional wares preferring hand building unique decorative wares. At this time I was introduced to Raku firing and rekindled a new love affair with clay and fire. Here was a greater scope for creativity as it opened up alternative firing techniques such as pit firing and saggar firing all ancient methods of creating pots used for functional and decorative wares.
I now work from my own studio in my home with various home-made outdoor firing kilns which give unpredictable outcomes to the surface decoration making each item unique.
Inspiration is drawn from Ancient Greek pottery and from the natural world, often combining both. The Ancient Greek influences are mainly from the Cycladic period which yields items of a funerary nature as in simple small figurines of the h

Studio Information
Studio Access
Wheelchair Access
Bank Holiday
From Berkeley Arms at end of Delling Lane, Bosham, cross the road turn left at the church, Fairfield Road. Turn left at end of road, then right at Shamrock Close. Studio is at the end.
Mary Marmery
Saltsprings 3 Harbour Court, Bosham, West Sussex PO18 8PB