Fiona Bell Currie

About the artist

Small works in acrylic, oil, gouache, charcoal and watercolour, mostly landscapes, buildings, plants and animals.

Personal Statement

I worked as an illustrator and teacher before moving to Chichester in 2019 and painting full time. A small scale is still more comfortable, where detail, texture and pattern prove most enticing. Through teaching a group of adults every Thursday morning in Lavant I constantly renew my own passions for landscapes and skies and more thoroughly explore colour choices and tonal values, liminal painting (as the light and colour disappears) and happily switch from acrylic to gouache to pastel to oil - whatever feels most useful for that particular subject. I continue to run one day courses in holidays and hugely enjoy teaching, learning from my students, watching their progress emerge.

  • Fiona Bell Currie
  • Studio Information

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    Studio Address

    25 Parklands Road, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 3DX

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    Studio Telephone

  • Studio Access

    Wheelchair Access


    Bank Holiday


  • Directions

    Walk away from Chichester Cross, pass the cathedral, cross Avenue de Chartres and along Westgate. My road is on the right, my house is just before the tree in the middle of the road.

Fiona Bell Currie

25 Parklands Road, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 3DX

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