About the artist

I work in Mixed Media Collage, Paint, Ink,
My work is often map based and paintings “about” ideas/places rather than of them.

Personal Statement

• Studied Fashion & Textiles at Nottingham College of Art followed by Post Graduate in Theatre Design.
• Worked extensively in Theatre and Film.
• As a painter I have exhibited at West Dean College, The Arundel Art Trail, West Stoke House, Arundel Gallery Trail, The Moncrieff Grey Gallery, The Kevis House Gallery, Petworth and Joze Show & Art London.

I spent 20 years working in theatre and film as a costume supervisor and design assistant.
I travelled extensively on tour working on Shakespeare (Hamlet with Derek Jacobi) and with Sir Ian McKellen all over Europe this is probably promoted my love of maps which feature heavily in my work.
Working with famous people always has a touch of the surreal: my more memorable moments are *Watching Dr No with Sean Connery while on a boat in Nassau when working on Never Say Never; Playing a nurse in a Disney film starring David Niven and Jodie Foster because the extra didn’t show up. But the pinnacle of my theatre career was as Meryl Streep’s hand in the French Lieutenant’s Woman a scene I shared with Jeremy Irons.
Other highlights include taking Barry Humphries (all dressed up as Dame Edna) to the ladies loo at the top of The Effiel Tower

  • Min Maude
  • Studio Information

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    Studio Address

    35 Broyle Road, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 6BA

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  • Studio Access

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    Bank Holiday


  • Directions

    From The Theatre roundabout turn into St Paul’s Road, turn right into Little Breach. Go past the allotments and take 1st right then left to find the rear of the property, white garage number 35.

Min Maude

35 Broyle Road, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 6BA

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