St John Trundle

About the artist

Woodfired stoneware. Mugs, jugs bowls etc all thrown on a momentum wheel. Homemade glazes from raw and found materials.

Personal Statement

I make functional pots in stoneware clay, thrown on a momentum wheel. I enjoy all aspects of the ceramic process from handling clay, creation of glazes, and control of the fire.

I make my glazes from raw materials, some of which are ‘found’ such as wood-ash, stone and clay. They have names like Celedon, Nuka, Chun, Shino and Tenmoku - established by ancient Eastern potters, handed down and evolved through the ages. They are very difficult to capture. In the firing they can be fluid and so give highlights and textures, consequently I apply marks or ridges to encourage this.

I fire the pots in a wood fired kiln to a temperature of 1300°C, this is an exciting challenge, full of jeopardy and serendipity. The results can be wonderful with many gifts from the kiln -including the bare clay being enhanced by a rich toasted appearance and the ash, carried by the flame, uniquely interacting with the glazes.

I draw inspiration from the local South Downs landscape and my pots echo traditional forms. I also hope it is evident that the clay was once a soft and pliable material, with a distinct feel of the potter’s hand.

  • St John Trundle
  • Studio Information

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    Studio Address

    11 Tregarth Road, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 5QU

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    Studio Telephone

  • Studio Access

    Wheelchair Access


    Bank Holiday


  • Directions

    Good parking on the street, if possible please park at begining of road. NB: Wheelchair access is possible.

St John Trundle

11 Tregarth Road, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 5QU

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