Morna Hinton
About the artist
Oil and acrylic paintings, watercolours, lino-cuts and collage based on urban and rural landscapes.
Personal Statement
I am primarily a painter (acrylics, oils and watercolour) but also enjoy printmaking & collage. My subject matter is always landscape - sometimes urban and gritty, most recently more traditional, woodland and rivers - yet always with a focus on colour and light. I’m moving beyond literal representation into the experimental placement of one hue alongside another, seeking colour combinations that are joyful and unexpected. This change in artistic direction has been amplified by my relocation to Chichester in summer 2024, where I have been finding inspiration in the countryside as well as my garden.
My professional background is in museums and education, including working at the V&A for 23 years, where I led teams delivering learning programmes, gallery interpretation and artist residencies. Since leaving the V&A in 2014, I have pursued my art practice in a more concerted way, gaining a Master of Fine Arts degree with distinction from Wimbledon College of Arts (UAL) in 2018. I have exhibited at many galleries in London, including the Mall Galleries (Columbia Threadneedle Prize 2018) and the Muse Gallery, where I was shortlisted for their 2019 Studio and Residency Programme.

Studio Information
Studio Access
Wheelchair Access
Bank Holiday
Roman Fields is just off the Lavant Road as you leave Chichester. Turn left just before the petrol station / Co-op. There is visitor parking in marked bays plus one space on driveway.
Morna Hinton
18 Roman Fields, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 5AB