Deborah Harwood

About the artist

Wheel thrown porcelain. Demonstrations throughout the day.

Personal Statement

I work exclusively in porcelain and am particularly drawn to the purity of form and line. I strive for my work to be delicate and elegant and to show the porcelain at its most beautiful, occasionally using line or colour to emphasise a thought or reflection of what is around me. Guided by the ancient techniques of porcelain craftsmanship I endeavour to reflect both the timeless elegance and the modern aesthetic.

  • Deborah Harwood
  • Studio Information

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    Studio Address

    Deborah Harwood Ceramics, Charlton Barns, Charlton, West Sussex PO18 0HX

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    Studio Telephone

  • Studio Access

    Wheelchair Access


    Bank Holiday


  • Directions

    From Chichester A286 north, At Singleton 2nd right into village, T-junction turn right. Enter Charlton, turn right opposite Fox pub signs to studio. From Midhurst A286 to Singleton. Take first left.

Deborah Harwood

Deborah Harwood Ceramics, Charlton Barns, Charlton, West Sussex PO18 0HX

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