About the artist

Upcycled Copper artwork of an abstract style, using heat treatment and patination. Alongside imaginative Faerie homes created from solid timber and copper.

Personal Statement

At West's Copper Forge imagination and craftsmanship collide to inspire my artwork.
The inspiration for my designs came from the wish of making upcycled Faerie homes for my young daughter. These I placed up in Bluebell wood for her to find. After seeing the look of joy on her face I couldn’t wait to make more.
My plumbing background also came to the fore in the form of abstract copper metal artwork. Created utilising various patination and heat treatment techniques. The base copper itself is derived from antique origins, some of which are over 30 years old.
The completed works are then given three coats of clear lacquer and framed.
From the realms of legend I also indulge in creating solid wood hand crafted Faerie Houses.
These come in various designs and wood varieties depending on what is available in the desired shape and size, Ash, Cedar, Cork and Oak to name a few.
These homes are inset with durable resin doors and windows to bring them to life. The roofs are varied, some are furnished with a copper domed top or wishing well style top complete with a chimney pipe.
I am so excited to share my handmade Artwork with you all.

  • Jake West
  • Studio Information

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    Studio Address

    New Barn, Newhouse Lane, East Dean, West Sussex PO18 0NJ

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    Studio Telephone

  • Studio Access

    Wheelchair Access


    Bank Holiday


  • Directions

    East Dean with the Star and Garter pub on your right. Head up the hill, turn left at the wooden bus stop down Newhouse Lane. We are 100yds down the lane next to totem pole.

Jake West

New Barn, Newhouse Lane, East Dean, West Sussex PO18 0NJ

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