Gordon Ferrie
About the artist
Sculpture and wheel thrown work. Ash glazes.
Personal Statement
Writing about what I make and sculpt is difficult for me to explain in writing, as I feel writing about such things put me out of my depth.
Dyslexia is not at all helpful when writing and only people who have such condition would know. I like to think of it as being word blind as the word dyslexia sounds like a disease. My work is principally printmaking and ceramics. My prints are mono prints about the sea and imaginative islands.
My ceramics come from my imaginative world of people who are very peaceful and spend their time making art. The memories of my visit to Bali stay with me. Indonesia is full of imaginative islands and much wildlife are still being rediscovered such as the long beaked echidna, a spiny creature that lays eggs.
Studio Information
Studio Access
Wheelchair Access
Bank Holiday
Enter Pagham on the B2166. Turn left into Nytimber Lane.
At the roundabouts take 3rd exit into Cardinals Drive
Turn left into Greenways.
No 9 has Palm Trees outside.
Gordon Ferrie
9 Greenways, Pagham, PO21 4QE