Katrina Wakefield
About the artist
Large and small oil and acrylic paintings of sea and landscape, photograph prints and earrings.
Personal Statement
My art is very much connected to my deep love of the natural world, which I want to explore more of!
For me painting has become almost a compulsion, I'm enjoying exploring a sense of freedom and movement, whilst gathering/ learning skills and experimenting along the way. For me this means embracing fears, staying curious and allowing myself to make mistakes, whilst holding an inner belief that I can do this. I love working on large canvases as it gives me a sense of expansiveness and freedom. I enjoy accentuating the colours of nature and have a fascination for capturing moving skies.

Studio Information
Studio Access
Wheelchair Access
Bank Holiday
Coming from the direction of Chichester I am the 3rd turning on the left , after Russell’s garden centre . It’s the small industrial estate carpark where Birdham animal feeds and Alphapet vets.
Katrina Wakefield
Northleigh Bungalow, Main Road, Chichester, West Sussex PO20 7BY