Caroline Henderson
About the artist
Variety of sizes acrylic paintings, oils and pastels, alcohol inks, abstract landscapes, portraits, animals, small objects.
Personal Statement
I am a part time artist who dabbles with different media. I love colour and experimenting with different tools and techniques and saying to myself “what happens if I do this…” I started acrylic pouring in lockdown as a release from stress and fell in love with the freedom it provides. Recently, I have fallen for alcohol inks which float on the page just like the waves at the beach. I relish the discipline of portraiture in oils and pastels but also delight in abstract works. Art has always been very important to me to relax from working in the health care profession; a way to switch off completely especially in the difficult times we find ourselves going through.

Studio Information
Studio Access
Wheelchair Access
Bank Holiday
Farm lane next to Bell Lodge on Bell Lane, follow lane over speed ramp, down to corner to next house on right with gravel parking area.
Please follow signs not sat nav. 6 car parking max.
Caroline Henderson
The Hundred House, Hundredsteddle Lane, Birdham, West Sussex PO20 7BL