About the artist

Framed and unframed watercolour paintings of landscapes, townscapes and marinescapes, mainly locally. Also limited edition giclée prints.

Personal Statement

Philip Hood Dip Arch FSAI

Artist Statement

I’m a retired architect, self-taught watercolourist - and still learning!

Occasionally, as in the past, I am commissioned to produce ‘artist’s impressions’ of building projects for architects or developers, but nowadays I concentrate largely on my own artwork, principally in pure watercolour, sometimes in pen, ink or colour wash.

As an ex architect, I am naturally interested in painting buildings and their settings, although the majority of my output tends to be landscapes, marinescapes - even mudscapes! I am inspired by whatever grabs me at the time - quite often it’s a particularly striking view or atmospheric light effect observed on a countryside or harbourside walk, sometimes a subject of a quirky nature!

In addition to original works, I also produce high quality giclée prints of selected paintings.

Philip Hood Dip Arch FSAI

  • Philip Hood
  • Studio Information

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    Studio Address

    Regatta, Court Barn Lane, Birdham, West Sussex PO20 7BQ

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    Studio Telephone

  • Studio Access

    Wheelchair Access


    Bank Holiday


  • Directions

    On A286 Birdham Straight, turn into Church Lane, fork right at green with pump, into Court Barn Lane. Venue is next to last house on right. Park in drive or in lane, well tucked in.

Philip Hood

Regatta, Court Barn Lane, Birdham, West Sussex PO20 7BQ

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